okay, i'll admit it...i was wrong...about ALOT of things! i always say that i was the best parent before i had children. for someone like myself who is not judgmental or in people's business much, i sure had a lot of silent opinions about people's parenting...or lack of, especially when it came to snotty noses. "they must not be taking care of their kids if their noses are always running", says the mind of a non-parent.
pause to take foot out of my mouth.
jake has had a runny nose now for 5 months. yea, there were a few instances where it cleared up but only for a few days and then it was back. i have done internet searches, doctor visits, experienced-parenting consultations, blog discussions, etc. you name it and i can't figure out why that cute Marks nose won't clear up. at one point i thought i figured it out...ALLERGIES! he's got it coming from both sides of his DNA. matt and his dad have them. my dad and brother have them. allergist appointment made. skin test scheduled. results...negative. no allergies. pediatrician says "you might just have one of those kids where their nose constantly runs and eventually he'll grow out of it." carma's a bitch!