my dear sophie,
i sit here with so much joy and gratitude in my heart that i am lucky enough to have a daughter and that god chose us to be together for eternity. you are the most special little girl and i have so many hopes and dreams for you. i wonder so many times a day whether or not i'm giving you what you need to be the most wonderful and happiest woman that you can be. i love you so much.
you are curious, demanding, hilarious, and inquisitive. you love to question everything and want to know why things are the way they are, especially if it's different than how you think it should be. you love to explore new things. you love to people watch. you love to go places and to just be outside doing anything. you love to try new foods and love to go to restaurants. you are a great eater but your favorite things are milkshakes with sprinkles, donuts, chicken and rice, and anything french fries with ranch. you are obsessed with mommy and have a really hard time if you are not with me. you remind me of me when i was growing up and i wanted to be with grandma no matter what she was doing. sometimes i get frustrated because i need to do other things but then i remind myself how lucky i am that i have a daughter who adores me and thinks i'm great. i think you are too. you love to snuggle with mommy and would sleep in my bed every night if i let you. i love to be with you, especially when it's just you and i. we have so much fun together.