as i'm putting jake to sleep (as we do EVERY night), i'm laying next to him and he's pulling my face close to his so that it's touching his. even if he moves, he comes back my way to make sure that our faces touch again and he just holds my face in his hands as he falls asleep. i'm so in love.
and the funny thing is...i've struggled lately with feeling as though it's time for us to put him in his crib, shut the door and let him fall asleep on his own. we do that for his nap time, which i thankfully just mastered since on summer vacation, but bedtime is a different story. one of us lays down with him until he falls asleep and then we put him in his crib. he takes longer to fall asleep at night so sometimes we can be in there for 30 minutes, which can be frustrating. but you know what...after last night, i'm not so sure i want to change a thing.
I wouldn't change a thing. it's my favorite time of day. frustrating at times, but worth it in the end. it's your own personal snuggle time. and just an fyi, i can't do that with my older kids..