jake has been going to gymboree classes now for 10 months. he's definitely outgrowing them but my mom loves to take him on her days she has him. it's been a great class for him and he's learned a lot. when i'm off i take him. i never really felt like i fit in with the other moms but hey jake loves it. my kid tends to be one of the rowdiest, he's definitely the biggest and sometimes the brownest. but all that aside, he loves it.
so my mom takes him this week for one of his last classes and he pushes and bites a little girl because she's on a rocking horse that he wants. according to my mom, who is the most politically correct person you'll ever meet, the mother of the little girl made this huge scene. she grabbed her kid away from jake and ran to the sink to wash her arm and rub sanitizer all over it. of course my mom is apologizing profusely while scolding jake and even asking the lady to let her see it because she's a nurse. the mom snatched her arm away and gave my mom a dirty look and then proceeded to make my kid feel like a leper, all huddled up in a click with some other moms, obviously talking about jake. now i understand that he was wrong, but damn...he's 18 months old. isn't that kind of what happens when you have a bunch of toddlers running around together? you ain't gotta make my kid feel like there's something wrong with him. the mama bear definitely came out when i heard this story and i'm really glad me and the hubby weren't there. i have the pc gene from my mom but i also got the former black panther gene from my dad. don't mess with my kid's sense of self or it'll be on up in this mug. then of course i tell daddy. and him being all samoan and stuff, well i'll leave that to the imagination. it would not have been good. he might a caught a case over his son. but really, the bottom line is...treat my kid the way you want me to treat yours. that's all.
mommy loves you jake and i will ride it til the wheels fall off for you son! (you'll have to look that up when you're finally able to read this.)
i hate people like that. her kid will be the stripper one day because her mom kept thinking she couldn't do anything wrong.