Monday, November 21, 2011


i LOVE halloween.  it has always been one of my favorite holidays, even though i didn't have kids.  i LOVE seeing all of the little ones dressed up going trick-or-treating.  it was one of my "can't wait for" moments when i had jake.  he was only 10 months old last year so it was more about the costume/photo op for me.   
last year he was in a cutesy, baby costume but i knew this year i wanted to something more fun edgy.  i saw a mc hammer costume last year and have obsessed over it for the last 12 months but lost the fight (real fight) with matt.  he wasn't havin' it, so i decided to find something that jake liked that would mean something to him.  he loves jake and the never land pirates cartoon and walks around the house saying "arrrrrgh!"  and a few days before halloween, i found it!
he got to wear it twice.  carma had a halloween party so we dressed him up for that.  he was front runner for the kids costume contest but we left early. shouldn't have had to be present to win but i'm not bitter.
2 days later it was halloween.  my mom and i took him trick-or-treating on our block while candy monitor matt stayed back to pass out candy. i know i'm biased but he was the cutest pirate and all of the neighbors fell in love.  he walked right up to each house and stuck his bucket out for candy.  he even tried to go inside a few houses.  it was a defining night in motherhood for me.  goosebumps up and down the block.  jake, you bring mommy so much happiness. 
on a side note...there was some chatter about whether or not he could have been prince in his purple rain days.  i'm okay with either label.

purple rain flashback?

pooped after the party
getting in a little leap frog letter learning 
before trick-or-treating.  c'mon son, let's go...mama's excited!
halloween 2010- 8 months old.

pumpkin patch

my mom and i took jake to the pumpkin patch while matt stayed behind to finish our fence. we took tai and tafa, too.  great times.  he ran around everywhere and rode rides with tafa.  i tried to get him on the pony but he started to cry.  i should have done like last year and put him on there anyway so i could at least get a photo (jake will thank me later...or at least his wife will).  didn't feel like getting stank stares from other parents thinking i don't care about my kid's feelings. 
he loved the train ride the best and the petting zoo.  afterwards we went to ruby's for ice cream sundaes.

ever tried to get hay out of an afro?

i'm back.

life has been a little busy lately.  i've been out of it (more info on that later) but i've got lots to share.  for those 3 of you that follow...i'm back.