Tuesday, February 26, 2013

happy 3rd birthday jake (february 23rd)

happy birthday to the most wonderful son in this world!
dear jake,
three years ago today, you changed our lives.  we discovered the meaning of true and unconditional love and joy that we had never known.  we've watched you grow into this curious, excited, happy, smart, funny boy that entertains us every day.  you wake up with a smile EVERY morning and start the day with a conversation as soon as you open your eyes.  you are so energetic in the mornings that when daddy is off from work with you in the mornings he stumbles to his coffee maker to try and get some caffeine in him to prepare himself for your energy.  you are definitely a morning person like mommy.  the minute you wake up, you run to the front to watch cartoons.  right now your favorite is tinga tinga tales on disney jr.  it's african tales in cartoon about every animal imaginable.  we have all 45 episodes recorded you could watch that every day all day if we let you because you're still obsessed with animals.  every conversation has an animal in it no matter how it begins.  you know so many random facts about animals that you amaze everyone.  they are definitely all you think and talk about.  you are always carrying miniature animals with you EVERYWHERE.  and not just regular animals.  you're into wildebeests, hippos, rhinos, zebras, meerkats, yaks, buffalos...just to name a few.  
you'll be starting preschool in september for a few days a week.  mommy needs to work on potty training.  you have no interest whatsoever and we're okay with it.
your favorite foods are bacon, yogurt, rice, raisins, watermelon, any kind of juice, milk, vanilla ice cream with sprinkles, and ANY KIND OF smoothie.
you have the best personality and you say the funniest things.  we laugh at with you daily and it makes it hard to discipline you. you love to snuggle (daddy hates that word)and are so affectionate and loving.  you are the EASIEST kid on earth and we can't be more thankful that you're ours.  

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