Wednesday, August 24, 2011

18 months old

jake had his 18 month check up today. the nurse was amazed at his size and asked my husband what nationality he was.  once he said samoan, she just shook her head like "oh, that explains it."  34 inches. 30 lbs. 95th and 90th percentile.  once again, a high five from the hubby.  jake says "daddy" with out the second "d" sound,  "ruff ruff" and "go".  he points at everything and says something that sounds like "what is that?" but we're not sure.  the minute you let him go, he runs after and towards anything and away from us.  he is super affectionate and hugs people and toys. he's still a wonderful sleeper. he loves fruit, popsicles, saimin, grilled cheese, and cheerios.  he loves to bang things and always wants a drumstick or hammer in his hand.  he laughs all of the time  really loudly so people can hear him. he loves books and sits down with one in his lap and pretends he's reading. he loves going up and down stairs by himself (while mommy holds her breath). he is into the cartoon "go, diego, go" and "mickey mouse". 
he's perfect.

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